The story is told of a mail carrier who lived in a village in Europe that had many rivers and waterways running through it. The mail carrier would use a canoe on his daily route to deliver the mail. Many people over the years asked him why he didn't wear a life preserver or at least learn to swim. To which he would always reply that he didn't need a life preserver, and he didn't need to know how to swim. Nothing had happened to him yet, and nothing was going to happen. One day as he set out on his route, a sudden storm came and it began to rain, and the wind began to blow hard. He wasn't afraid though, he had been through worse he thought. Well, he hadn't ever experienced a storm like this one, one of the worst storms in the history of the village. During the storm his canoe was capsized, and unable to swim, he drowned. People had warned him for years, but not wanting to be weighed down with a life preserver or be bothered with swimming lessons - he had just ignored their warnings.
Many people in life are like that mail carrier. They have been warned and told time and again about what will happen to people who reject the love of God, but they think it's not true. The stuff the Bible says about hell and the price one will pay for not believing in Jesus Christ can't possibly be correct. In fact, some people have even gone as far as to say there is no God.
But just stop and consider something for a moment. Are you one of those people who have so far rejected Jesus Christ's offer of eternal life? What if the warnings in the Bible ARE true? What if people who refuse to accept Jesus Christ as their Savior WILL die and go to hell? What if there is a penalty one MUST pay for the wrongs they have done in life? What if you're WRONG about there being no God? What if you're WRONG about believing in Jesus Christ not being necessary? Are you prepared to gamble all of eternity on that?
Everyone knows the story of the Titanic. People said it was indestructible, it would never sink, and now it is at the bottom of the ocean in pieces.
When man first invented the automobile, some people said if man ever went faster than 30 mph, it would kill him. However, now people fly jets at hundreds of miles per hour without even batting an eye.
When Bill Gates first mentioned the idea of a personal computer, he was told that people would never need a computer in their home. Today some people have multiple computers and our lives are complete wrapped up in them it seems. It's hard to even function without one.
In all of these above instances, people thought they knew everything. They thought they knew all the answers - yet they were wrong. Yet, none of these compare to the terrible tragedy many will face in being wrong about Jesus Christ.
Just think what a terrible tragedy it would be for someone to die thinking there is no God, or one doesn't need to believe in Jesus Christ, only to wake up in Hell and find they were wrong. So, before you just brush off the possibility of there being no God, or no need for salvation - consider whether you're willing to take the "risk"!
And believe me, I know from experience that there IS a God. And that salvation through faith in Jesus Christ can make your life the best it could ever possibly be. God doesn't want to destroy your life - He will make your life 1000% better!
I realize not everyone will agree with me on this. And that's perfectly fine. I'm not trying to force anyone to become a follower of Jesus Christ. I'm just telling you I BELIEVE in Him, and He's made a HUGE difference in my life.
Why I Believe In God
"Why do I believe in God?" The answer to that question, to me, is quite simple - "Look around you!" Look at how the sun comes up every day at a certain time, and goes down at another certain time. Watch how every year, the leaves change color, fall off their trees, and then come back again. Look at the majestic beauty of the mountains, the oceans, the valleys, the rivers, and all the glorious nature around us. And anyone who seriously considers these things has to believe in God.
However, let's take it a step further. "Why do I believe in the God of the Bible?" There are close to 4000 different "religions" in the world today. What makes Christianity and the Bible so worth believing in rather than any other? My answer to that question is found in John 3:16 "For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son..." What other religion is there where the god of that religion loved us so much He Himself gave us the solution to all of our problems? There are other religions that teach you have to do certain things to appease their God, but none that teach their god loved us even before we believed in Him.
To me, the Christian faith and belief in Almighty God is the only one that makes sense. And, I know there are countless millions out there who will completely disagree with me, and want to debate and argue that point. I don't demand that everyone else believe in the same God i believe in. You are quite free to worship whomever you choose. I choose to worship the God of the Bible, because in my heart and in my life I've seen Him work, and I know He is true!
Some would say, "What? Your God allowed you to have cancer and almost die! Your God allowed you to go through so many trials and troubles! Your God ruined your life....why would you trust a God like that?" And that is a valid point. But, you see, I believe the same God who created this world, the same God who loved me enough to send His Son Jesus Christ to die for me, and the same God who created my life and the lives of everyone around me, had a perfect plan when He gave me cancer. 46 years ago, when I was lying on a hospital bed and the doctors were telling my parents, "Joshua is going to die!", I didn't understand what God was doing. However, now when I see all of the broken hearts He has used my story to impact, when I see how God has encouraged and changed hundreds of others, I see that God indeed had a plan, and I see that like everything else in His creation - His plan was perfect!
Now, I am not one of those people who thinks or demands that everyone else in the world agree with them about God, or about anything for that matter. In fact, as I mentioned, I know thousands, if not millions of people will not agree with me, and I know there are those who will hate me for simply believing what I believe. However, to me - I know that without my relationship with God, my life would be a wreck. I know I never would have made it through all the difficult times I've experienced in my journey without Him. And I know it is Him ALONE who has been my strength and my song.
That's why I believe the God of the Bible. I know that without Him, I would be nothing, and I know I make all the wrong choices and decisions apart from Him and His guidance. And I believe He sent His Son, Jesus Christ, to die on the cross for my sins. I know that by faith in Him alone as my Saviour, my life has been changed forever. If you don't know Him, I invite you to get to know my God. I'm not saying you have to, I'm just saying, I've found Him to be faithful, gracious, loving, merciful, and amazing! And just as I know He loves me...I know He loves you as well. And I know that His Word - the Bible is true! It will change your life - if you follow it and use it as your guide. It has changed mine!
Does it cost me to trust in God? cost me. There are things I can't do because I know they don't please God. There are decisions and choices I have to make that are hard and difficult sometimes. But, I love God more than I could ever love the things I give up and I want to please and honor Him with my life. How could I not love a God who loved me enough to send His only Son to die for me? Following Jesus Christ is a life-changing experience, when we TRULY follow Him. And that's the secret to knowing God - letting Him completely guide and control one's life in everything we do! Sure, there are many things I don't understand or know about God. But then, if I could completely understand Him and know everything He knows - He wouldn't be God! A huge part of knowing God is trusting Him as God to make the right decisions and changes in my life!
"Taste and see that the LORD is good. How happy is the man who takes refuge in Him!" (Psalm 34:8)